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Chiropractors have a role to play in their patient’s general well being and self care. One way that chiropractors do this is through maintenance care. Most people associate a visit to the chiropractor with injuries like whiplash, thrown backs and other kinds of pain that require immediate treatment. That is only one part of a…

Written in partnership with The Sleep Help Institute. Age, an old injury, and a failing mattress are only a few of the many sources of sleep-disrupting pain. But no matter the cause, the result is the same: sleep deprivation. Any time you find yourself getting fewer than seven hours of sleep, your body changes the…

Let’s be honest; no matter what our commitments to keeping active are, the weather outside can have some powerful vetoing powers on those plans. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to find themselves passing up their regular walk around the block in favour of avoiding cold or nasty weather. Unfortunately, trading out activity for…

Nothing chases the chill out of the bones and warms the heart during the winter months quite like kindness. For many people, this is the time they begin looking at ways of spreading a little cheer. At the beginning of fall, chiropractors, their clinics and their patients collected new sock donations from Lethbridge to Grand…

When is the last time you said, “I love my spine”? Usually, declarations of endearment like that would follow something unique, like an extraordinary feat of strength. On October 16, Canadians across the country are invited to say just that and celebrate World Spine Day by embracing the skeletal system that’s had their back throughout their lives….

Across the province, clinics have opened their doors to patients, colleagues and community members alike in a shared goal: helping Albertans who are experiencing homelessness and joblessness to stay warm during the frigid winter season. How are they doing this? Through collecting warm, new socks. Socks are easy to take for granted. They are often…

Let’s face it: the long hours spent sitting for class, hunched over a computer or bent over homework isn’t good for anyone. Whether you’re preparing your child for the new school year or you yourself are heading back to the classroom, there are some things you should keep in mind about two everyday items every…

Introducing the defending WPCA Pro Tour World Champion It may be no surprise that professional athletes include chiropractic treatments in their busy lives to keep in tip-top competition shape. As sponsors of this year’s World Professional Chuckwagon Association (WPCA) Pro Tour, we had the opportunity to connect with the defending WPCA Pro Tour World Champion,…

You don’t have to be a chiropractor to know that our backbones are some of the most important bones in our bodies. They protect our spinal cord and for most people, they keep us walking straight and tall. For a person with scoliosis, however, the spine can also be the source of a number of…

This blog is brought to you by the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors, in partnership with the Arthritis Society. Cindy Stephen is a 61-year-old Calgarian, professional communicator, mother of six and grandmother of seven. Below is her experience as someone who suffers from arthritis and uses chiropractic treatments to help alleviate the symptoms. Many…