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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented times and it’s normal to feel uncertain and uncomfortable. While chiropractic clinics have undergone some changes, their commitment to your health remains the same. LINK TO UPDATE As the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors, we work to protect the public. This is a mandate we always take very seriously, and…

By Dr. Jill Mckinnon Migraines are one of the top disabilities in young adults across the globe. 14 per cent of the population suffers from migraines and like most aches and pains, we often tend to reach for quick fixes. Although things like pain meds, peppermint oil and manual therapies may help in the moment,…

Whether you’re carrying a diaper bag, pushing a stroller, or playing endless games with your little one, it’s no secret that parenting can take a toll on your body. Luckily, there’s good news — taking a few minutes per day to stretch will give your body a break, and has positive, pain-relieving benefits. In part…

Whether you’re lugging heavy backpacks around, sitting through 3-hour long lectures, or having to convert your couch to a home-office, it’s no secret that school can take a toll on your body. Luckily, there’s good news — taking a few minutes per day to stretch will give your body a break, and has positive, pain-relieving…

Whether you’re climbing stairs all day, moving inventory, or re-arranging furniture, it’s no secret that work can take a toll on your body. However, there’s good news—taking a few minutes per day to stretch will give your body a break, and has positive, pain-relieving benefits. In part one of this three-part series, we will be…

Whether you’re lugging heavy backpacks around, sitting through 3-hour long lectures, or having to convert your couch to a home-office, it’s no secret that school can take a toll on your body. Luckily, there’s good news — taking a few minutes per day to stretch will give your body a break, and has positive, pain-relieving…

Summertime is here and with restrictions lifting, many of us are returning to the gym or getting outside to enjoy the weather. Whether you’re starting a new activity or returning to an old one, the tips below from chiropractor Dr. Giancarlo Carpino will help ensure you return to activity safely and pain-free. Get your head…

Summer is upon us and while some COVID-19 restrictions are still in place, biking is a safe way to get outside and get your body moving. Choosing the right bike for you is important to keep your body pain-free, and a bike shop can help fit you appropriately. But choosing a bike goes beyond fit—including…

Rodeo is one of the most physically demanding things you can put your body through, and unsurprisingly, comes with a lot of risk. Rodeo athlete Matt Lait spent much of his adult life competing in bareback rodeo competitions, where he experienced first-hand the risk and reward of competing. Matt shares his story of how chiropractic…

Needing to keep your body and joints feeling good, functioning well, and protected from injury are all things Albertans are aware of. But what about the extra issues for folks who ride in rodeos, run the chuckwagons, or farm or ranch? How do they keep up with their rigorous, demands of their life’s work? The…